Friday, 24 October 2014

Something Pink

Happy Friday! 

It's October the month of many things! gorgeous Autumn colours, pumpkins, Halloween, comfort foods, crazy windy nights, the start of the Arabic calendar and a big awareness months.  

I’ve teamed up with some bloggers/ vloggers to raise money for Cancer Research UK, in the month of Breast Cancer Awareness. We are aiming to raise £200 for the charity by the 31st of October 2014.

Donate Here:

We will be uploading pictures of Something Pink on our blogs and social media sites (mostly Instagram!) 

This is my first picture of #SomethingPink which is a little crocheted pink ribbons! 

Remember to examine yourself once a month for breast cancer, here's a quick guide on how:

Make sure you go check the other bloggers pages to see their #SomethingPink pictures and surprises they may include makeup, outfits, recipes and more. 

You can also participate and support by posting a picture of #SomethingPink and adding the donation link. Let's make it fun and remember it's a good cause! 

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