Monday, 24 February 2014

Middlesex University Workshop

This year I started my masters program in Middlesex University *mashallah* & since we started most of what we have been doing is theoretical and research, but on Thursday, we were finally taken to the workshop for an induction, which means now we are fully allowed to go there and use most of the machines and make stuff like designers are meant to! Very exciting. Although, I am mostly going to stick to the laser cutter and the 3D printer heheh,, here are few snaps of the workshop in case you were wondering!
Cool sculpture in the hallway before you go into the workshop!
The workshop's shop to buy materials and borrow tools

I just had to play with wood dust before I left 
These snaps are only for the machines. There are smaller rooms on that floor for using spray paint, ceramics, laser cutting, 3D printing and some other cool things. I was very impressed with the size of it. Although, I was a little disappointed that we have to buy for materials and for ink for the 3D printer, especially that I am an international student who already pays triple the fees. Overall, it looks fun! can't wait to go there again *3 weeks before the deadline! no I am kidding will try and go early this year* 

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