Yesterday, I was running some errands around Kensington and saw the cutest little macaroons place called Anges de Sucre. I didn't realize it was my beloved macaroons till I got closer. I thought it was a little antique and accessories shop. It was really sweet and the macaroons were even sweeter!
I entered and was wowed. It turns out it's only been there for three weeks. Lucky me for finding it. They sell handmade macaroons & marshmallows (too bad they were pork gelatine so I didn't get it to try them, but they looked NICE!) They had TEA, too! I haven't tried the teas, but they smelled lovely. The tins added to the decor and completed it. They do sell other drinks cold and hot, but when I saw tea all the other ones just melted into the background.
The decor was simple and on the classy vintage side. I loved the mirror that was framed with flowers and the painted birds. It gave it a quirky feel. The light creamy baby blue paint softened the place.
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